Work Week-end

Camp Dixie’s Fall Work Week-end was Oct. 3 and 4. It was a big success and alot of fun.
Look for an announcement about the Spring Work Week-end and come join us. 

Check out the photo gallery for more pictures.

Some photos up

I thought I had almost finished uploading photos from this summer to the photo gallery but I found about 500 more. I’ll start on them soon.

I uploaded my photos from the reunion, I didn’t have a lot.

Send us your photos! The easiest way is probably to just mail us a CD. I’ve got a whole bunch of geekier ways using the internet for those who want to try.

I consider the current photo gallery a bit of a placeholder, not the final product. Things may change significantly there, but probably not right away.

Who wants to run this site?

So, obviously I am very bad about posting items to the Camp Dixie Alumni site. Who out there would like to take over the job as editor, or help out as an occasional writer?

I’ll continue to be responsible for maintaining the software and such, but I’d like someone who could begin to foster a community here on this site.

All posts should be ‘camp appropriate’, suitable for current, past, and future campers alike. Posts should encourage Alumni to be an active part of the discussion.

Speak up in the comments, or email me directly.